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Does Music Have a Positive influence at work?

It has been known since the dawn ages of man that music and rhythm have been powerful communicators and mood influencers. Music has the ability to bond people together, raise energy levels, calm down the mood or manipulate the environment. The question is, when is it appropriate to have music in the business environment, and when will it add to productivity and when will it be a distraction in the working environment.

There are many answers to this question, and the variables are huge.

Perhaps first it would be important to understand what music is doing to our brains when we hear it, or even more importantly when we play a musical instrument or involve our bodies personally.

Watch this amazing link or the video below, which explains what happens in our brains when we involve ourselves with music


Once we understand the power of music's effect on the brain, how can we put this to best use in the workplace, or for our own productivity?

In my next post I will discuss this in more detail, including the types of music that could be used in the workplace and the modalities that could be used, but would love to hear your feedback as a simple 'yes' or 'no' to music in the following workplace situations:

If you would like to comment, please include the workplace situation that is applicable to you (even as a number from the list below) and then comment 'yes' or 'no' to whether you think music would be an 'adder' (yes) or 'subtractor' (no) to productivity in that situation. additional comments or thoughts would be most welcome.

Here are the main workplace scenarios I would like to consider at present. Some would appear to have an easy answer, others may be more tricky.

1. Shopping Large / Busy Store

2. Shopping Small Boutique Store

3. Doctor's / Professional / Healthcare / Office Waiting Room or Reception

4. Law Environment / Police Station

5. Sales Office for Multiple Staff

6. Admin Office for Multiple Staff

7. Training Scenario as a Mood Influencer

8. Operational Procedure (Operating Theatre / Hair Salon / Tattoo Parlour etc


Best wishes, Dr Cyril John Harrisberg


@The Voice Clinic

I believe in:

'Making Work a Passionate Affair'

'The White Dove' - encouraging Peace and Harmony in the Workplace and in the World
