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Re arrange your Karma by singing

I am convinced from my own experience that music has a powerful effect on changing one's current mood, stress levels, and the ability to feel engaged, upbeat and to communicate better. In my previous post I mentioned that actually playing a musical instrument involves a whole lot of the billion or so neurones in our brains, causing multiple areas to fire simultaneously. This has profound effects on energy, well - being and productivity.

My conclusion is that the 'appropriate' music, in the appropriate setting can definitely add to an 'in the zone' feeling. The two key words here are 'appropriate' and the setting.

I do not feel that music would help in an industrial setting, for example, where the music is interfering with the white noise washing around. Also music genres are important and must be controlled appropriately to maximise the benefit that music can confer. Sometimes inappropriate music in a seriously intense concentration task can be distracting - turn off the music or the tune in your head at this stage and archive it in your brain as a reward once the task has been completed.

In the right mix,a and in the appropriate situation what a wonderful benefit music and singing can confer!

If you cannot play a musical instrument, have you ever sung your way through a thought process, (even if its to yourself). This can be of immense help in calming and ordering your thoughts, and uplifting any negative gremlins which want to block our brains from being productive.

In summary, Take a short clip, make up some positive mantra lyrics or choose some that are out there, and just Sing a Song. If there is a background instrument available, that is even better and will add to the positive fantasy that evolves.

Try it. You will be amazed at the results and how this can alter your mood and energy.

I discourage using music with a negative Karma (unless it is in a strictly theatrical and controlled environment, where a specific effect will contribute to the art of that medium).

Music (singing if you do not play an instrument) together in a group (this is where the idea of bands, orchestras and choirs originated in our dim distant past), creates a connection that is greater than the sum of the sounds. Eye contact, emotions, hand clapping and foot tapping if not dancing, and a whole lot of endorphins released energise our brains and take us out of the misery of the ' down feeling' if it is present.

So - Happy singing, be it a fantasy song in the shower, or laughing together with your work colleague during a work break!

I believe passionately in healing the world and ourselves through the use of music!

Here's to you - and I am signing off with a song:)

"Good bye sweet heart....its time to go...dat- da- da- da- dum"

@Cyrilsvoice #_thevoiceclinic @cyrilyric #music #stress
