Jhb-Pta-Ct-Dbn-Skype/Zoom - The Voice Clinic Level 2 BBBEE - All Content Copyright TVC 2025


Letter of appreciation to The Voice Clinic

On behalf of the EAC team, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for accepting our invitation to present a session on ‘Vocal Communication’ at the Empowered Administrators Conference (EAC) held at the Southern Sun Elangeni on 8-9 September 2016 under the theme, ‘Becoming a 4D office administrator’

I am aware of the sacrifice of time and effort that this entailed, and would like to assure you that the real reward for this sacrifice lies in the appreciation on the message you delivered to conference delegates. Your message resonated with our purpose of presenting the EAC as an answer on how corporate SA and academia could add value in creating a productive workforce and reskilling administrators for the future. Your presentation gave us an insight into how we can sustain the EAC for many years to come.

Once again, thank you for your friendship and association with our institution. We look forward to working with you in empowering office administrators.

Zama Sihsa
Director - Marketing & Communication
