Jhb-Pta-Ct-Dbn-Skype/Zoom - The Voice Clinic Level 2 BBBEE - All Content Copyright TVC 2025


Thank you so much!! Wow!

Thank you so much! What a session!! I learnt and learnt and learnt!! I was a full sponge for the facilitator! I soaked everything in and I am ready for my next chapter! Here I come world! I am so so grateful! This is the most practical training I ever did in my career and life!! I am truly grateful! Thank you to The Voice Clinic for having the best life coach and facilitator ever! The facilitator is amazing! I am a perfectionist so if I say she is amazing, I mean she was brilliant! I never paid so much attention to a training and the exercises in a safe space! I have complete proof in my voice, in my confidence, and fearless in my handling of day to day work and life events!! I look forward to presenting at high level platforms and resolving conflicts and managing my teams and delegating!!

Thank you very much! I am available if you need a testimony for some of the alumni for The Voice Clinic training!

Thank you so much for all your practical training and support and for making this possible for me. I feel so blessed to have had this opportunity.

May God bless you and increase you!

Thanks and best, 
Dr Refilwe Sello
